Los 7 tipos de contenido en redes sociales para empresas

Antes de publicar, piensa: «si yo fuera un potencial cliente que me estuviera siguiendo, ¿me parecería interesante este post?»

La reina de las categorías es contenido de ENTRETENIMIENTO, y es para lo que están principalmente optimizado los algoritmos de ranking/promoción de publicaciones de las redes sociales. El resto de categorías que también funcionan tienen igualmente una componente de entretenimiento.

Mientras más embobado dejes a al que vea tu post, mejor te valorará el algoritmo de la red social, y más enseñará tu post.

Estos son las principales categorías de posts que podías publicar en tus redes sociales:

Entretenimiento – multimedia:
videos virales, chistes, memes, cómics, rompecabezas y concursos/regalos1.

Entretenimiento – juegos:
Incluye preguntas, espacios en blanco para completar, subtítulos para fotos y encuestas1.

Entretenimiento – reality:
Trastienda, videos del equipo, reuniones del equipo, videos de almuerzos del equipo, características de empleados o clientes1.

Inspiracional: Aquí se encuentran las citas, datos interesantes, historias personales y características de empleados o clientes1.

Dile a tu expectador que es lo que quieres que haga. ¿Quieres que te sigan? díselo. ¿Quieres que te dejen un comentario? díselo. No le digas que haga más de dos cosas, ponle las cosas fáciles, que no tenga que pensar que hacer.

Enseña/forma sobre temas que tus potenciales clientes seguramente están interesados. Normalmente relacionado con tu sector, pero pudiera ser también sobre de interés para tu perfil de cliente objetivo.
Ejemplos: Tutoriales, como hacer …., consejos y trucos.

Cualquier publicación que sea de un producto que vendes. Siempre que puedas, deben de ser publicaciones interesantes para tus potenciales clientes.
webinars, productos, descuentos y servicios1.

Testimonios de clientes, reseñas de productos

Descargar Silhouette Studio para Mac 10.6

¿No quieres actualizar tu Mac porque va fenomenalmente? ¿Te fastidia tremendamente que los programas nuevos sean incompatibles con tu actual sistema operativo? ¿Te está pasando con el software Silhouette Studio para la Cameo?   No te preocupes!!! en este caso hay solución y muy fácil!

A mi me está pasando con mi OSX 10.9 , que me va fenomenalmente (mucho más rápido que el 10.12)

Por suerte, en el caso deSilhouette Studio, sigue existiendo en internet las versiones antiguas que si son compatibles con tu sistema operativo.

En https://www.silhouetteamerica.com/software  HAN QUITADO LAS VERSIONES ANTIGUAS

En las siguientes páginas oficiales de otros países SI ESTÁN LAS VERSIONES ANTIGUAS de Silhouette Studio .

Captura de pantalla 2020-02-14 a la(s) 10.55.17



Silhouette Studio® Version 4.2.471   2019
Silhouette CAMEO 1 , 2, 3 y Silhouette Portrait 1, 2. Craft ROBO, CC100, CC200, Silhouette SD
No compatible con Silhouette Cameo 4
Compatible Mac® OS 32-bit 10.7 – 10.9
Compatible con Windows 7, 8, 10

Silhouette Studio® Version 3.6.57    2015
NO compatible con Silhouette CAMEO3 ni Silhouette Portrait 2
Compatible Mac® OS X 10.6 – 10.7
Compatible con Windows Vista

Y alguna otra version más antigua aún


Captura de pantalla 2020-02-14 a la(s) 10.55.35




Otras versiones intermedias:

, Silhouette Studio 4.1.206, Silhouette Studio 4.1.201, Silhouette Studio 4.1.197, Silhouette Studio 4.0.1058, Silhouette Studio 3.8.211, Silhouette Studio 3.6.057, Silhouette Studio 3.3.279 , Silhouette Studio 2.9.106


Si te ha sido de ayuda, déjame un «Gracias»  en forma de comentario 😉


Check if WordPress is infected

If you feel that your worpress was hacked or infected by malware, there are few basic steps you should follow:

1.- execute an online malware scanner:
for example:

2.- Check integrity of core php files and restore original files if possible (if not, reinstall same version of wordpress):
for example:
access your server using SSH and perform the following command:
find ./ -type f -mtime -15 (15 is 15days, put the amount of days that fit better your case)

3.- Manually remove changes in your pages.
with online malware scanners you can find which pages are affected.
You may also find some wordpress pluggins that may help you clean SPAM injected links in your pages.

4.- it’s always recommended to upgrade wordpress to latest version, but for some compatibility issues is not always a possible option.


If you found a good way to solve this wordpress problem, comment with your solution and hints.

Get Instagram Access Token for PHP

In this Article I will explain how I successfully migrated a forum from PHPbb to BBpress in 5 minutes. It was easiest than I ever thought. After migrating to BBpress I just add few lines of code in a template file of phpBB to make a clean SEO redirect to the new forum. All worked like charm.

Be careful: Why to move from phpBB to BBpress?

I supose you already spend some time taking this decision, but remember this quick comparison phpBB Vs BBpress:

«bbpress is SIMPLICITY», «PHPbb is POWERFUL».

if you want to migrate a small starting community from phpBB to BBpress, it’s OK, if you want to migrate a large big community, maybe users will not understand the lack of functionality they are used to have in your phpBB forum.

In my case, I did a migration of a phpBB forum to wordpress BBpress because it was a in the early days of the creation of a community, the simplicity benefit of bbpress, worpress blogging integration, and the flexibility to add and mould the website towards the needs of the future community.

The migration from phpBB to BBpress:

STEP 1.- Installation of bbpress (Skip if you already installed it):

  • Install wordpress,
  • settings–> permalinks –>select post name

Captura de pantalla 2016-02-27 17.45.30

settings to migrate phpbb to bbpress


  • install bbpress
  • settings–> forums –>configure as I show in the screenshot

bbpress configuration

migrate phpbb to bbpress: configure bbpress like this

STEP 2.- And the only one step to migrate from phpbb to bbpress is:

1.- choose a different URL for the new forum. for example, if you used /forum/ in phpBB, use /forums/ in bbpress
2.- don’t delete your phpBB forum.
3.- as an extra, in phpbb you could disable registration of new users, and add a message in the /styles/prosilver/template/overall_header.html   file.

Preserving the SEO after moving from PHPbb to BBpress

It’s very easy!!!

and this is very important, not only to avoid penalizations, but to correctly direct potential users that come from SERP results in google to the new forum and don’t loose or frustrate visitors after the phpBB to BBpress migration.

STEP 3.- SEO 301 redirect


search for:

// Send vars to template
‘FORUM_ID’ => $forum_id,

and just above this lines add this piece of code:

$titleac = trim($topic_data[‘topic_title’]);
$relativeurl = str_replace(‘ ‘,’-‘,$titleac);
$relativeurl = strtolower($relativeurl);
header(«HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently»);
header(«Location: http://www.YOURDOMAIN.com/forums/topic/».$relativeurl.»/»);

Comparison from the bbpress comunity point of view: https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/bbpress-vs-phpbb/
If this tutorial mof moving phpBB to BBpress was useful for you, please just let me know with a comment
Very very easy proven method.
I struggle a bit at the beginning,
search on Google and find the solution.

Sign up in Instagram api web

manage clients


enable implicit OAuth
if you dont enable this you will get the error: «implicit authentication is disabled»



open the URL :


replace client_id with the client id you can find in «manage clients»

replace redirect_uri with the redirect_uri you can find in «manage clients»



this web page will open



and it redirect to your web site with the token in the URL as a GET parameter.


copy the parameter value and you will have the Access Token.


Now you can use the Access Token inside your PHP script, or wherever you want to do your first tests.

Behavioural Retargeting – Excluding Purchasers

This document is going to focus on Adroll retargeting, and Behavioural Retargeting, to exclude the visitors that already bought (online or offline).

the objetive of behavioural retargeting is to better hit the visitors with the most converting ad copies. In this article I explain how to exclude retargeting campaigns to «bombard» visitors who have already bought (or target them with other retargeting campaigns more focused for their needs), you must do the following:

create a «Visitors who have already purchased» segment by following these steps:

I put you below the text of this website (for your convenience):

1. Determine if the event defines a type of visitor interest ( «Segment Visitors») or represents a goal, ( «track conversions»).

2. Create a segment that will be associated with the event. Segment name so you can easily recognize, for example, Submit_Form.

3. Find a link that says «copy to clipboard ID» below the space where the name has been entered in its segment. This strip of a unique ID number segment to be used as a placeholder URL rule for the segment that will create (and later to prepare the script).

For now, you will use this ID in type Segment and Rule. Making sure you have selected «URL» as the segment type, enter a «+» sign and then paste the segment ID number in the appropriate field. Here’s an example:

4. Enter your desired Duration: the number of days the visitor classification must remain an active part of the segment.

5. Save!

Prepare your page for this behavioural retargeting

Then the script is displayed, called a pixel event, which will have to tie the case in question to its segment event. Update pixel segment by replacing the segment_ID quotes segment with unique identifier generated for you.

    __adroll.record_user ({ «adroll_segments»: «segment_ID»})
} Catch (err) {}
Using the segment ID in the above example, the pixel event completed the following:

    __adroll.record_user ({ «adroll_segments»: «25c14f39»})
} Catch (err) {}

Activate the pixel event

The pixel event must be activated through the onClick function button on the page (s) where the event occurs. As an option, many of our advertisers to place the script in an external JavaScript file that is called during the click event.


as it is said in the end, copy the code javascript and put it on a page that you are going to send the user after a purchase (eg video first steps of use, or electronic invoice, or …).

__adroll.record_user({"adroll_segments": "25c14f39"})
} catch(err) {}

then go again to you AdRoll campaigns, include this new segment your campaigns, and mark them with the button that says «Exclude».

This is a first step in behavioural retargeting, next months I will write more about other segmentations to increase conversions and your ROI. Later I will put images and more detail in this post. if you have doubts, ask and answer you.