Find negative keywords in your account and adding them to your campaigns it’s crucial to improve the ROI, anabolics QS, CTR … almost all parameters of your Adwords campaign.
Here I explain my last process to do it, with success.
Run Automated Script to Find Negative Keywords
1.- copy this script:
/** * * Search Query Mining Tool * * This script calculates the contribution of each word or phrase found in the * search query report and outputs a report into a Google Doc spreadsheet. * * Version: 2.1 * Last updated 2015-09-17 * Google AdWords Script maintained on * **/ function main() { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Options var startDate = "2016-01-01"; var endDate = "2016-03-15"; // The start and end date of the date range for your search query data // Format is yyyy-mm-dd var currencySymbol = "€"; // The currency symbol used for formatting. For example "£", "$" or "€". var campaignNameContains = ""; // Use this if you only want to look at some campaigns // such as campaigns with names containing 'Brand' or 'Shopping'. // Leave as "" if not wanted. var campaignNameDoesNotContain = ""; // Use this if you want to exclude some campaigns // such as campaigns with names containing 'Brand' or 'Shopping'. // Leave as "" if not wanted. var ignorePausedCampaigns = true; // Set this to true to only look at currently active campaigns. // Set to false to include campaigns that had impressions but are currently paused. var ignorePausedAdGroups = true; // Set this to true to only look at currently active ad groups. // Set to false to include ad groups that had impressions but are currently paused. var checkNegatives = true; // Set this to true to remove queries that would be excluded by your negative keywords. var spreadsheetUrl = ""; // The URL of the Google Doc the results will be put into. var minNGramLength = 1; var maxNGramLength = 2; // The word length of phrases to be checked. // For example if minNGramLength is 1 and maxNGramLength is 3, // phrases made of 1, 2 and 3 words will be checked. // Change both min and max to 1 to just look at single words. var clearSpreadsheet = true; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Thresholds var queryCountThreshold = 0; var impressionThreshold = 10; var clickThreshold = 0; var costThreshold = 0; var conversionThreshold = 0; // Words will be ignored if their statistics are lower than any of these thresholds ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Check the spreadsheet has been entered, and that it works if (spreadsheetUrl.replace(/[AEIOU]/g,"X") == "") { Logger.log("Problem with the spreadsheet URL: make sure you've replaces the default with a valid spreadsheet URL."); return; } try { var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(spreadsheetUrl); } catch (e) { Logger.log("Problem with the spreadsheet URL: '" + e + "'"); return; } // Get the IDs of the campaigns to look at var dateRange = startDate.replace(/-/g, "") + "," + endDate.replace(/-/g, ""); var activeCampaignIds = []; var whereStatements = ""; if (campaignNameDoesNotContain != "") { whereStatements += "AND CampaignName DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_IGNORE_CASE '" + campaignNameDoesNotContain + "' "; } if (ignorePausedCampaigns) { whereStatements += "AND CampaignStatus = ENABLED "; } else { whereStatements += "AND CampaignStatus IN ['ENABLED','PAUSED'] "; } var campaignReport = "SELECT CampaignName, CampaignId " + "FROM CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_REPORT " + "WHERE CampaignName CONTAINS_IGNORE_CASE '" + campaignNameContains + "' " + "AND Impressions > 0 " + whereStatements + "DURING " + dateRange ); var campaignRows = campaignReport.rows(); while (campaignRows.hasNext()) { var campaignRow =; activeCampaignIds.push(campaignRow["CampaignId"]); }//end while if (activeCampaignIds.length == 0) { Logger.log("Could not find any campaigns with impressions and the specified options."); return; } var whereAdGroupStatus = ""; if (ignorePausedAdGroups) { var whereAdGroupStatus = "AND AdGroupStatus = ENABLED "; } else { whereAdGroupStatus += "AND AdGroupStatus IN ['ENABLED','PAUSED'] "; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Find negative keywords var negativesByGroup = []; var negativesByCampaign = []; var sharedSetData = []; var sharedSetNames = []; var sharedSetCampaigns = []; if (checkNegatives) { // Gather ad group level negative keywords var keywordReport = "SELECT CampaignId, AdGroupId, Criteria, KeywordMatchType " + "FROM KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT " + "WHERE Status = ENABLED AND IsNegative = TRUE " + whereAdGroupStatus + "AND CampaignId IN [" + activeCampaignIds.join(",") + "] " + "DURING " + dateRange ); var keywordRows = keywordReport.rows(); while (keywordRows.hasNext()) { var keywordRow =; if (negativesByGroup[keywordRow["AdGroupId"]] == undefined) { negativesByGroup[keywordRow["AdGroupId"]] = [[keywordRow["Criteria"].toLowerCase(),keywordRow["KeywordMatchType"].toLowerCase()]]; } else { negativesByGroup[keywordRow["AdGroupId"]].push([keywordRow["Criteria"].toLowerCase(),keywordRow["KeywordMatchType"].toLowerCase()]); } } // Gather campaign level to find negative keywords var campaignNegReport = "SELECT CampaignId, Criteria, KeywordMatchType " + "FROM CAMPAIGN_NEGATIVE_KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT " + "WHERE IsNegative = TRUE " + "AND CampaignId IN [" + activeCampaignIds.join(",") + "]" ); var campaignNegativeRows = campaignNegReport.rows(); while (campaignNegativeRows.hasNext()) { var campaignNegativeRow =; if (negativesByCampaign[campaignNegativeRow["CampaignId"]] == undefined) { negativesByCampaign[campaignNegativeRow["CampaignId"]] = [[campaignNegativeRow["Criteria"].toLowerCase(),campaignNegativeRow["KeywordMatchType"].toLowerCase()]]; } else { negativesByCampaign[campaignNegativeRow["CampaignId"]].push([campaignNegativeRow["Criteria"].toLowerCase(),campaignNegativeRow["KeywordMatchType"].toLowerCase()]); } } // Find which campaigns use shared negative keyword sets var campaignSharedReport = "SELECT CampaignName, CampaignId, SharedSetName, SharedSetType, Status " + "FROM CAMPAIGN_SHARED_SET_REPORT " + "WHERE SharedSetType = NEGATIVE_KEYWORDS " + "AND CampaignId IN [" + activeCampaignIds.join(",") + "]"); var campaignSharedRows = campaignSharedReport.rows(); while (campaignSharedRows.hasNext()) { var campaignSharedRow =; if (sharedSetCampaigns[campaignSharedRow["SharedSetName"]] == undefined) { sharedSetCampaigns[campaignSharedRow["SharedSetName"]] = [campaignSharedRow["CampaignId"]]; } else { sharedSetCampaigns[campaignSharedRow["SharedSetName"]].push(campaignSharedRow["CampaignId"]); } } // Map the shared sets' IDs (used in the criteria report below) // to their names (used in the campaign report above) var sharedSetReport = "SELECT Name, SharedSetId, MemberCount, ReferenceCount, Type " + "FROM SHARED_SET_REPORT " + "WHERE ReferenceCount > 0 AND Type = NEGATIVE_KEYWORDS "); var sharedSetRows = sharedSetReport.rows(); while (sharedSetRows.hasNext()) { var sharedSetRow =; sharedSetNames[sharedSetRow["SharedSetId"]] = sharedSetRow["Name"]; } // Collect the negative keyword text from the sets, // and record it as a campaign level negative in the campaigns that use the set var sharedSetReport = "SELECT SharedSetId, KeywordMatchType, Criteria " + "FROM SHARED_SET_CRITERIA_REPORT "); var sharedSetRows = sharedSetReport.rows(); while (sharedSetRows.hasNext()) { var sharedSetRow =; var setName = sharedSetNames[sharedSetRow["SharedSetId"]]; if (sharedSetCampaigns[setName] !== undefined) { for (var i=0; i<sharedSetCampaigns[setName].length; i++) { var campaignId = sharedSetCampaigns[setName][i]; if (negativesByCampaign[campaignId] == undefined) { negativesByCampaign[campaignId] = [[sharedSetRow["Criteria"].toLowerCase(),sharedSetRow["KeywordMatchType"].toLowerCase()]]; } else { negativesByCampaign[campaignId].push([sharedSetRow["Criteria"].toLowerCase(),sharedSetRow["KeywordMatchType"].toLowerCase()]); } } } } Logger.log("Finished to find negative keywords"); }// end if ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Define the statistics to download or calculate, and their formatting var statColumns = ["Clicks", "Impressions", "Cost", "ConvertedClicks", "ConversionValue"]; var calculatedStats = [["CTR","Clicks","Impressions"], ["CPC","Cost","Clicks"], ["Conv. Rate","ConvertedClicks","Clicks"], ["Cost / conv.","Cost","ConvertedClicks"], ["Conv. value/cost","ConversionValue","Cost"]] var currencyFormat = currencySymbol + "#,##0.00"; var formatting = ["#,##0", "#,##0", "#,##0", currencyFormat, "#,##0", currencyFormat,"0.00%",currencyFormat,"0.00%",currencyFormat,"0.00%"]; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Go through the search query report, remove searches already excluded by negatives // record the performance of each word in each remaining query var queryReport = "SELECT CampaignName, CampaignId, AdGroupId, AdGroupName, Query, " + statColumns.join(", ") + " " + "FROM SEARCH_QUERY_PERFORMANCE_REPORT " + "WHERE CampaignId IN [" + activeCampaignIds.join(",") + "] " + whereAdGroupStatus + "DURING " + dateRange); var numberOfWords = []; var campaignNGrams = {}; var adGroupNGrams = {}; var totalNGrams = []; for (var n=minNGramLength; n<maxNGramLength+1; n++) { totalNGrams[n] = {}; } var queryRows = queryReport.rows(); while (queryRows.hasNext()) { var queryRow =; if (checkNegatives) { var searchIsExcluded = false; // Checks if the query is excluded by an ad group level negative if (negativesByGroup[queryRow["AdGroupId"]] !== undefined) { for (var i=0; i<negativesByGroup[queryRow["AdGroupId"]].length; i++) { if ( (negativesByGroup[queryRow["AdGroupId"]][i][1] == "exact" && queryRow["Query"] == negativesByGroup[queryRow["AdGroupId"]][i][0]) || (negativesByGroup[queryRow["AdGroupId"]][i][1] != "exact" && (" "+queryRow["Query"]+" ").indexOf(" "+negativesByGroup[queryRow["AdGroupId"]][i][0]+" ") > -1 )){ searchIsExcluded = true; break; } } } // Checks if the query is excluded by a campaign level negative if (!searchIsExcluded && negativesByCampaign[queryRow["CampaignId"]] !== undefined) { for (var i=0; i<negativesByCampaign[queryRow["CampaignId"]].length; i++) { if ( (negativesByCampaign[queryRow["CampaignId"]][i][1] == "exact" && queryRow["Query"] == negativesByCampaign[queryRow["CampaignId"]][i][0]) || (negativesByCampaign[queryRow["CampaignId"]][i][1]!= "exact" && (" "+queryRow["Query"]+" ").indexOf(" "+negativesByCampaign[queryRow["CampaignId"]][i][0]+" ") > -1 )){ searchIsExcluded = true; break; } } } if (searchIsExcluded) {continue;} } var currentWords = queryRow["Query"].split(" "); if (campaignNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]] == undefined) { campaignNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]] = []; adGroupNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]] = {}; for (var n=minNGramLength; n<maxNGramLength+1; n++) { campaignNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][n] = {}; } } if (adGroupNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][queryRow["AdGroupName"]] == undefined) { adGroupNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][queryRow["AdGroupName"]] = []; for (var n=minNGramLength; n<maxNGramLength+1; n++) { adGroupNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][queryRow["AdGroupName"]][n] = {}; } } var stats = []; for (var i=0; i<statColumns.length; i++) { stats[i] = parseFloat(queryRow[statColumns[i]].replace(/,/g, "")); } var wordLength = currentWords.length; if (wordLength > 6) { wordLength = "7+"; } if (numberOfWords[wordLength] == undefined) { numberOfWords[wordLength] = []; } for (var i=0; i<statColumns.length; i++) { if (numberOfWords[wordLength][statColumns[i]] > 0) { numberOfWords[wordLength][statColumns[i]] += stats[i]; } else { numberOfWords[wordLength][statColumns[i]] = stats[i]; } } // Splits the query into n-grams and records the stats for each for (var n=minNGramLength; n<maxNGramLength+1; n++) { if (n > currentWords.length) { break; } var doneNGrams = []; for (var w=0; w < currentWords.length - n + 1; w++) { var currentNGram = '="' + currentWords.slice(w,w+n).join(" ") + '"'; if (doneNGrams.indexOf(currentNGram) < 0) { if (campaignNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][n][currentNGram] == undefined) { campaignNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][n][currentNGram] = {}; campaignNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][n][currentNGram]["Query Count"] = 0; } if (adGroupNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][queryRow["AdGroupName"]][n][currentNGram] == undefined) { adGroupNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][queryRow["AdGroupName"]][n][currentNGram] = {}; adGroupNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][queryRow["AdGroupName"]][n][currentNGram]["Query Count"] = 0; } if (totalNGrams[n][currentNGram] == undefined) { totalNGrams[n][currentNGram] = {}; totalNGrams[n][currentNGram]["Query Count"] = 0; } campaignNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][n][currentNGram]["Query Count"]++; adGroupNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][queryRow["AdGroupName"]][n][currentNGram]["Query Count"]++; totalNGrams[n][currentNGram]["Query Count"]++; for (var i=0; i<statColumns.length; i++) { if (campaignNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][n][currentNGram][statColumns[i]] > 0) { campaignNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][n][currentNGram][statColumns[i]] += stats[i]; } else { campaignNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][n][currentNGram][statColumns[i]] = stats[i]; } if (adGroupNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][queryRow["AdGroupName"]][n][currentNGram][statColumns[i]] > 0) { adGroupNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][queryRow["AdGroupName"]][n][currentNGram][statColumns[i]] += stats[i]; } else { adGroupNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][queryRow["AdGroupName"]][n][currentNGram][statColumns[i]] = stats[i]; } if (totalNGrams[n][currentNGram][statColumns[i]] > 0) { totalNGrams[n][currentNGram][statColumns[i]] += stats[i]; } else { totalNGrams[n][currentNGram][statColumns[i]] = stats[i]; } } doneNGrams.push(currentNGram); } } } } Logger.log("Finished analysing queries."); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Output the data into the spreadsheet var wordLengthOutput = []; var wordLengthFormat = []; var outputs = []; var formats = []; for (var n=minNGramLength; n<maxNGramLength+1; n++) { outputs[n] = {}; outputs[n]['campaign'] = []; outputs[n]['adgroup'] = []; outputs[n]['total'] = []; formats[n] = {}; formats[n]['campaign'] = []; formats[n]['adgroup'] = []; formats[n]['total'] = []; } // Create headers var calcStatNames = []; for (var s=0; s<calculatedStats.length; s++) { calcStatNames.push(calculatedStats[s][0]); } var statNames = statColumns.concat(calcStatNames); for (var n=minNGramLength; n<maxNGramLength+1; n++) { outputs[n]['campaign'].push(["Campaign","Phrase","Query Count"].concat(statNames)); outputs[n]['adgroup'].push(["Campaign","Ad Group","Phrase","Query Count"].concat(statNames)); outputs[n]['total'].push(["Phrase","Query Count"].concat(statNames)); } wordLengthOutput.push(["Word count"].concat(statNames)); // Organise the ad group level stats into an array for output for (var n=minNGramLength; n<maxNGramLength+1; n++) { for (var campaign in adGroupNGrams) { for (var adGroup in adGroupNGrams[campaign]) { for (var nGram in adGroupNGrams[campaign][adGroup][n]) { // skips nGrams under the thresholds if (adGroupNGrams[campaign][adGroup][n][nGram]["Query Count"] < queryCountThreshold) {continue;} if (adGroupNGrams[campaign][adGroup][n][nGram]["Impressions"] < impressionThreshold) {continue;} if (adGroupNGrams[campaign][adGroup][n][nGram]["Clicks"] < clickThreshold) {continue;} if (adGroupNGrams[campaign][adGroup][n][nGram]["Cost"] < costThreshold) {continue;} if (adGroupNGrams[campaign][adGroup][n][nGram]["ConvertedClicks"] < conversionThreshold) {continue;} var printline = [campaign, adGroup, nGram, adGroupNGrams[campaign][adGroup][n][nGram]["Query Count"]]; for (var s=0; s<statColumns.length; s++) { printline.push(adGroupNGrams[campaign][adGroup][n][nGram][statColumns[s]]); } for (var s=0; s<calculatedStats.length; s++) { var multiplier = calculatedStats[s][1]; var divisor = calculatedStats[s][2]; if (adGroupNGrams[campaign][adGroup][n][nGram][divisor] > 0) { printline.push(adGroupNGrams[campaign][adGroup][n][nGram][multiplier] / adGroupNGrams[campaign][adGroup][n][nGram][divisor]); } else { printline.push("-"); } } outputs[n]['adgroup'].push(printline); formats[n]['adgroup'].push(["0","0","0"].concat(formatting)); } } } } // Organise the campaign level stats into an array for output for (var n=minNGramLength; n<maxNGramLength+1; n++) { for (var campaign in campaignNGrams) { for (var nGram in campaignNGrams[campaign][n]) { // skips nGrams under the thresholds if (campaignNGrams[campaign][n][nGram]["Query Count"] < queryCountThreshold) {continue;} if (campaignNGrams[campaign][n][nGram]["Impressions"] < impressionThreshold) {continue;} if (campaignNGrams[campaign][n][nGram]["Clicks"] < clickThreshold) {continue;} if (campaignNGrams[campaign][n][nGram]["Cost"] < costThreshold) {continue;} if (campaignNGrams[campaign][n][nGram]["ConvertedClicks"] < conversionThreshold) {continue;} var printline = [campaign, nGram, campaignNGrams[campaign][n][nGram]["Query Count"]]; for (var s=0; s<statColumns.length; s++) { printline.push(campaignNGrams[campaign][n][nGram][statColumns[s]]); } for (var s=0; s<calculatedStats.length; s++) { var multiplier = calculatedStats[s][1]; var divisor = calculatedStats[s][2]; if (campaignNGrams[campaign][n][nGram][divisor] > 0) { printline.push(campaignNGrams[campaign][n][nGram][multiplier] / campaignNGrams[campaign][n][nGram][divisor]); } else { printline.push("-"); } } outputs[n]['campaign'].push(printline); formats[n]['campaign'].push(["0","0"].concat(formatting)); } } } // Organise the account level stats into an array for output for (var n=minNGramLength; n<maxNGramLength+1; n++) { for (var nGram in totalNGrams[n]) { // skips n-grams under the thresholds if (totalNGrams[n][nGram]["Query Count"] < queryCountThreshold) {continue;} if (totalNGrams[n][nGram]["Impressions"] < impressionThreshold) {continue;} if (totalNGrams[n][nGram]["Clicks"] < clickThreshold) {continue;} if (totalNGrams[n][nGram]["Cost"] < costThreshold) {continue;} if (totalNGrams[n][nGram]["ConvertedClicks"] < conversionThreshold) {continue;} var printline = [nGram, totalNGrams[n][nGram]["Query Count"]]; for (var s=0; s<statColumns.length; s++) { printline.push(totalNGrams[n][nGram][statColumns[s]]); } for (var s=0; s<calculatedStats.length; s++) { var multiplier = calculatedStats[s][1]; var divisor = calculatedStats[s][2]; if (totalNGrams[n][nGram][divisor] > 0) { printline.push(totalNGrams[n][nGram][multiplier] / totalNGrams[n][nGram][divisor]); } else { printline.push("-"); } } outputs[n]['total'].push(printline); formats[n]['total'].push(["0"].concat(formatting)); } } // Organise the word count analysis into an array for output for (var i = 1; i<8; i++) { if (i < 7) { var wordLength = i; } else { var wordLength = "7+"; } var printline = [wordLength]; if (numberOfWords[wordLength] == undefined) { printline.push([0,0,0,0,"-","-","-","-"]); } else { for (var s=0; s<statColumns.length; s++) { printline.push(numberOfWords[wordLength][statColumns[s]]); } for (var s=0; s<calculatedStats.length; s++) { var multiplier = calculatedStats[s][1]; var divisor = calculatedStats[s][2]; if (numberOfWords[wordLength][divisor] > 0) { printline.push(numberOfWords[wordLength][multiplier] / numberOfWords[wordLength][divisor]); } else { printline.push("-"); } } } wordLengthOutput.push(printline); wordLengthFormat.push(formatting); } var filterText = ""; if (ignorePausedAdGroups) { filterText = "Active ad groups"; } else { filterText = "All ad groups"; } if (ignorePausedCampaigns) { filterText += " in active campaigns"; } else { filterText += " in all campaigns"; } if (campaignNameContains != "") { filterText += " containing '" + campaignNameContains + "'"; if (campaignNameDoesNotContain != "") { filterText += " and not containing '" + campaignNameDoesNotContain + "'"; } } else if (campaignNameDoesNotContain != "") { filterText += " not containing '" + campaignNameDoesNotContain + "'"; } // Find or create the required sheets var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(spreadsheetUrl); var campaignNGramName = []; var adGroupNGramName = []; var totalNGramName = []; var campaignNGramSheet = []; var adGroupNGramSheet = []; var totalNGramSheet = []; for (var n=minNGramLength; n<maxNGramLength+1; n++) { if (n==1) { campaignNGramName[n] = "Campaign Word Analysis"; adGroupNGramName[n] = "Ad Group Word Analysis"; totalNGramName[n] = "Account Word Analysis"; } else { campaignNGramName[n] = "Campaign " + n + "-Gram Analysis"; adGroupNGramName[n] = "Ad Group " + n + "-Gram Analysis"; totalNGramName[n] = "Account " + n + "-Gram Analysis"; } campaignNGramSheet[n] = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(campaignNGramName[n]); if (campaignNGramSheet[n] == null) { campaignNGramSheet[n] = spreadsheet.insertSheet(campaignNGramName[n]); } adGroupNGramSheet[n] = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(adGroupNGramName[n]); if (adGroupNGramSheet[n] == null) { adGroupNGramSheet[n] = spreadsheet.insertSheet(adGroupNGramName[n]); } totalNGramSheet[n] = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(totalNGramName[n]); if (totalNGramSheet[n] == null) { totalNGramSheet[n] = spreadsheet.insertSheet(totalNGramName[n]); } } var wordCountSheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName("Word Count Analysis"); if (wordCountSheet == null) { wordCountSheet = spreadsheet.insertSheet("Word Count Analysis"); } // Write the output arrays to the spreadsheet for (var n=minNGramLength; n<maxNGramLength+1; n++) { var nGramName = n + "-Grams"; if (n == 1) { nGramName = "Words"; } writeOutput(outputs[n]['campaign'], formats[n]['campaign'], campaignNGramSheet[n], nGramName, "Campaign", filterText, clearSpreadsheet); writeOutput(outputs[n]['adgroup'], formats[n]['adgroup'], adGroupNGramSheet[n], nGramName, "Ad Group", filterText, clearSpreadsheet); writeOutput(outputs[n]['total'], formats[n]['total'], totalNGramSheet[n], nGramName, "Account", filterText, clearSpreadsheet); } writeOutput(wordLengthOutput, wordLengthFormat, wordCountSheet, "Word Count", "Account", filterText, clearSpreadsheet); Logger.log("Finished writing to spreadsheet."); } // end main function function writeOutput(outputArray, formatArray, sheet, nGramName, levelName, filterText, clearSpreadsheet) { for (var i=0;i<5;i++) { try { if (clearSpreadsheet) { sheet.clear(); } if (nGramName == "Word Count") { sheet.getRange("R1C1").setValue("Analysis of Search Query Performance by Word Count"); } else { sheet.getRange("R1C1").setValue("Analysis of " + nGramName + " in Search Query Report, By " + levelName); } sheet.getRange("R" + (sheet.getLastRow() + 2) + "C1").setValue(filterText); var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow(); if (formatArray.length == 0) { sheet.getRange("R" + (lastRow + 1) + "C1").setValue("No " + nGramName.toLowerCase() + " found within the thresholds."); } else { sheet.getRange("R" + (lastRow + 1) + "C1:R" + (lastRow+outputArray.length) + "C" + outputArray[0].length).setValues(outputArray); sheet.getRange("R" + (lastRow + 2) + "C1:R" + (lastRow+outputArray.length) + "C" + formatArray[0].length).setNumberFormats(formatArray); var sortByColumns = []; if (outputArray[0][0] == "Campaign" || outputArray[0][0] == "Word count") { sortByColumns.push({column: 1, ascending: true}); } if (outputArray[0][1] == "Ad Group") { sortByColumns.push({column: 2, ascending: true}); } sortByColumns.push({column: outputArray[0].indexOf("Cost") + 1, ascending: false}); sortByColumns.push({column: outputArray[0].indexOf("Impressions") + 1, ascending: false}); sheet.getRange("R" + (lastRow + 2) + "C1:R" + (lastRow+outputArray.length) + "C" + outputArray[0].length).sort(sortByColumns); } break; } catch (e) { if (e == "Exception: This action would increase the number of cells in the worksheet above the limit of 2000000 cells.") { Logger.log("Could not output " + levelName + " level " + nGramName.toLowerCase() + ": '" + e + "'"); try { sheet.getRange("R" + (sheet.getLastRow() + 2) + "C1").setValue("Not enough space to write the data - try again in an empty spreadsheet"); } catch (e2) { Logger.log("Error writing 'not enough space' message: " + e2); } break; } if (i == 4) { Logger.log("Could not output " + levelName + " level " + nGramName.toLowerCase() + ": '" + e + "'"); } } } }
Source of the script:
2.- open adwords –> bulk operations –> scripts –> +SCRIPT
3.- paste the script there, and edit main variables:
var startDate = "2016-01-01"; var endDate = "2016-03-15"; // The start and end date of the date range for your search query data // Format is yyyy-mm-dd var currencySymbol = "€"; // The currency symbol used for formatting. For example "£", "$" or "€".<span id="mce_marker" data-mce-type="bookmark">?</span>
var minNGramLength = 1; var maxNGramLength = 2; // The word length of phrases to be checked. // For example if minNGramLength is 1 and maxNGramLength is 3, // phrases made of 1, 2 and 3 words will be checked. // Change both min and max to 1 to just look at single words.
4.- Create a spreadsheet in your google account, copy the link of this spreadsheet and edit this line of code:
var spreadsheetUrl = ""; // The URL of the Google Doc the results will be put into.
5.- run the script. It may take from 5 to 20 minutes depending on the size of your adwords account and dates time frame you selected.
6.- go to bathroom
Analyse keyword research
7.- when script finished execution, open your spread sheet
8.- open «Account Word Analysis» Tab
9.- add a new column in left side
10.- sort by «Conv. value/cost» if you had setup correclty your conversions. If not yet, sort by CTR. Start with «Conv. value/cost» = 0 , or with low CTR. In the previous screenshot It was sorted by CTR (a second round after sorting by «Conv. value/cost»).
11.- use the new created column to Flag when you find negative keywords . I used 1 for no-dubt-negatives , and 2 for non-performing-keywords (keywords that you could add as negative, but could be revisited in the future for new campaigns)
12.- Flag keyword wisely. Think «is this word relevant to my target market?» . If you are in doubt, open Adwords –> campaigns –> keywords Search terms –> Filter Serach term contains _______
see the full visitor search query, understand why this keyword have poor performance, and decide if you want to exclude all this search queries.
NOTE: Sometimes, one word makes no sense, and the keyword you should exclude is a 2 keyword phrase. If it is the case, feel free to overwrite the keyword in the spreadsheet with the 2 word phrase. You can also opt for repeating the same process I explained, but this time with the «Account 2-Gram Analysis» sheet.
13.- sort by the first column and copy all your «1» keywords
Add Found Negative Keywords to your Account
14.- open adwords –> shared library –> Campaign negative keywords –> +LIST
15.- paste all your «1» found negative keywords, and save
16.- click on the list you just have created, scroll to the botom, and click «Apply to campaigns»
17.- scroll campaigns list to the bottom, and if not all campaigns are shown, press «load next»
18.- then, press the double arrow and add all campaigns.
NOTE: this article explains how to add negatives that are negatives for your target market, for all your account campaigns.
19.- and press «save»
Good Related Searches You can do:
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Negative Keyword Master List for PPC Advertising – @ReturnOnNow
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Big Daddy List of 200+ Negative Keywords for AdWords & AdCenter …
Related Information you Should Also Read:
Negative Keyword Match Types
27 abr. 2010 – Make sure you are effectively filtering your traffic – get a basic understanding of Negative Keyword match types before you add negatives into …
Exclude keywords across campaigns with lists
When you have a set of keywords that give you unwanted impressions or clicks across multiple campaigns, you can create a central list of these negative …
Stop Using Broad Match on Google Adwords – Daniel Silver
22 oct. 2011 – If you are still using broad match for search engine marketing on Google, you are wasting your money. You can greatly improve your ROI by ..
Do you have a better way to find negative keywords?
very interesting script to save time. I always export search report into a excel file and work with it sorting by lowest CTR, highest CPA, … mark all bad keywords, then group, copy and paste in adwords desktop software.