My Secret Way to Find Negative Keywords

Find negative keywords in your account and adding them to your campaigns it’s crucial to improve the ROI, anabolics QS, CTR … almost all parameters of your Adwords campaign.

Here I explain my last process to do it, with success.

Run Automated Script to Find Negative Keywords

1.- copy this script:

* Search Query Mining Tool
* This script calculates the contribution of each word or phrase found in the
* search query report and outputs a report into a Google Doc spreadsheet.
* Version: 2.1
* Last updated 2015-09-17
* Google AdWords Script maintained on

function main() {
// Options

var startDate = "2016-01-01";
var endDate = "2016-03-15";
// The start and end date of the date range for your search query data
// Format is yyyy-mm-dd

var currencySymbol = "€";
// The currency symbol used for formatting. For example "£", "$" or "€".

var campaignNameContains = "";
// Use this if you only want to look at some campaigns
// such as campaigns with names containing 'Brand' or 'Shopping'.
// Leave as "" if not wanted.

var campaignNameDoesNotContain = "";
// Use this if you want to exclude some campaigns
// such as campaigns with names containing 'Brand' or 'Shopping'.
// Leave as "" if not wanted.

var ignorePausedCampaigns = true;
// Set this to true to only look at currently active campaigns.
// Set to false to include campaigns that had impressions but are currently paused.

var ignorePausedAdGroups = true;
// Set this to true to only look at currently active ad groups.
// Set to false to include ad groups that had impressions but are currently paused.

var checkNegatives = true;
// Set this to true to remove queries that would be excluded by your negative keywords.

var spreadsheetUrl = "";
// The URL of the Google Doc the results will be put into.

var minNGramLength = 1;
var maxNGramLength = 2;
// The word length of phrases to be checked.
// For example if minNGramLength is 1 and maxNGramLength is 3,
// phrases made of 1, 2 and 3 words will be checked.
// Change both min and max to 1 to just look at single words.

var clearSpreadsheet = true;

// Thresholds

var queryCountThreshold = 0;
var impressionThreshold = 10;
var clickThreshold = 0;
var costThreshold = 0;
var conversionThreshold = 0;
// Words will be ignored if their statistics are lower than any of these thresholds

// Check the spreadsheet has been entered, and that it works
if (spreadsheetUrl.replace(/[AEIOU]/g,"X") == "") {
Logger.log("Problem with the spreadsheet URL: make sure you've replaces the default with a valid spreadsheet URL.");
try {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(spreadsheetUrl);
} catch (e) {
Logger.log("Problem with the spreadsheet URL: '" + e + "'");

// Get the IDs of the campaigns to look at
var dateRange = startDate.replace(/-/g, "") + "," + endDate.replace(/-/g, "");
var activeCampaignIds = [];
var whereStatements = "";

if (campaignNameDoesNotContain != "") {
whereStatements += "AND CampaignName DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_IGNORE_CASE '" + campaignNameDoesNotContain + "' ";
if (ignorePausedCampaigns) {
whereStatements += "AND CampaignStatus = ENABLED ";
} else {
whereStatements += "AND CampaignStatus IN ['ENABLED','PAUSED'] ";

var campaignReport =
"SELECT CampaignName, CampaignId " +
"WHERE CampaignName CONTAINS_IGNORE_CASE '" + campaignNameContains + "' " +
"AND Impressions > 0 " + whereStatements +
"DURING " + dateRange
var campaignRows = campaignReport.rows();
while (campaignRows.hasNext()) {
var campaignRow =;
}//end while

if (activeCampaignIds.length == 0) {
Logger.log("Could not find any campaigns with impressions and the specified options.");

var whereAdGroupStatus = "";
if (ignorePausedAdGroups) {
var whereAdGroupStatus = "AND AdGroupStatus = ENABLED ";
} else {
whereAdGroupStatus += "AND AdGroupStatus IN ['ENABLED','PAUSED'] ";

// Find negative keywords
var negativesByGroup = [];
var negativesByCampaign = [];
var sharedSetData = [];
var sharedSetNames = [];
var sharedSetCampaigns = [];

if (checkNegatives) {
// Gather ad group level negative keywords
var keywordReport =
"SELECT CampaignId, AdGroupId, Criteria, KeywordMatchType " +
"WHERE Status = ENABLED AND IsNegative = TRUE " + whereAdGroupStatus +
"AND CampaignId IN [" + activeCampaignIds.join(",") + "] " +
"DURING " + dateRange

var keywordRows = keywordReport.rows();
while (keywordRows.hasNext()) {
var keywordRow =;

if (negativesByGroup[keywordRow["AdGroupId"]] == undefined) {
negativesByGroup[keywordRow["AdGroupId"]] =
} else {

// Gather campaign level to find negative keywords
var campaignNegReport =
"SELECT CampaignId, Criteria, KeywordMatchType " +
"WHERE  IsNegative = TRUE " +
"AND CampaignId IN [" + activeCampaignIds.join(",") + "]"
var campaignNegativeRows = campaignNegReport.rows();
while (campaignNegativeRows.hasNext()) {
var campaignNegativeRow =;
if (negativesByCampaign[campaignNegativeRow["CampaignId"]] == undefined) {
negativesByCampaign[campaignNegativeRow["CampaignId"]] = [[campaignNegativeRow["Criteria"].toLowerCase(),campaignNegativeRow["KeywordMatchType"].toLowerCase()]];
} else {

// Find which campaigns use shared negative keyword sets
var campaignSharedReport =
"SELECT CampaignName, CampaignId, SharedSetName, SharedSetType, Status " +
"AND CampaignId IN [" + activeCampaignIds.join(",") + "]");
var campaignSharedRows = campaignSharedReport.rows();
while (campaignSharedRows.hasNext()) {
var campaignSharedRow =;
if (sharedSetCampaigns[campaignSharedRow["SharedSetName"]] == undefined) {
sharedSetCampaigns[campaignSharedRow["SharedSetName"]] = [campaignSharedRow["CampaignId"]];
} else {

// Map the shared sets' IDs (used in the criteria report below)
// to their names (used in the campaign report above)
var sharedSetReport =
"SELECT Name, SharedSetId, MemberCount, ReferenceCount, Type " +
"WHERE ReferenceCount > 0 AND Type = NEGATIVE_KEYWORDS ");
var sharedSetRows = sharedSetReport.rows();
while (sharedSetRows.hasNext()) {
var sharedSetRow =;
sharedSetNames[sharedSetRow["SharedSetId"]] = sharedSetRow["Name"];

// Collect the negative keyword text from the sets,
// and record it as a campaign level negative in the campaigns that use the set
var sharedSetReport =
"SELECT SharedSetId, KeywordMatchType, Criteria " +
var sharedSetRows = sharedSetReport.rows();
while (sharedSetRows.hasNext()) {
var sharedSetRow =;
var setName = sharedSetNames[sharedSetRow["SharedSetId"]];
if (sharedSetCampaigns[setName] !== undefined) {
for (var i=0; i<sharedSetCampaigns[setName].length; i++) {
var campaignId = sharedSetCampaigns[setName][i];
if (negativesByCampaign[campaignId] == undefined) {
negativesByCampaign[campaignId] =
} else {

Logger.log("Finished to find negative keywords");
}// end if

// Define the statistics to download or calculate, and their formatting

var statColumns = ["Clicks", "Impressions", "Cost", "ConvertedClicks", "ConversionValue"];
var calculatedStats = [["CTR","Clicks","Impressions"],
["Conv. Rate","ConvertedClicks","Clicks"],
["Cost / conv.","Cost","ConvertedClicks"],
["Conv. value/cost","ConversionValue","Cost"]]
var currencyFormat = currencySymbol + "#,##0.00";
var formatting = ["#,##0", "#,##0", "#,##0", currencyFormat, "#,##0", currencyFormat,"0.00%",currencyFormat,"0.00%",currencyFormat,"0.00%"];

// Go through the search query report, remove searches already excluded by negatives
// record the performance of each word in each remaining query

var queryReport =
"SELECT CampaignName, CampaignId, AdGroupId, AdGroupName, Query, " + statColumns.join(", ") + " " +
"WHERE CampaignId IN [" + activeCampaignIds.join(",") + "] " + whereAdGroupStatus +
"DURING " + dateRange);

var numberOfWords = [];
var campaignNGrams = {};
var adGroupNGrams = {};
var totalNGrams = [];

for (var n=minNGramLength; n<maxNGramLength+1; n++) {
totalNGrams[n] = {};

var queryRows = queryReport.rows();
while (queryRows.hasNext()) {
var queryRow =;

if (checkNegatives) {
var searchIsExcluded = false;

// Checks if the query is excluded by an ad group level negative
if (negativesByGroup[queryRow["AdGroupId"]] !== undefined) {
for (var i=0; i<negativesByGroup[queryRow["AdGroupId"]].length; i++) {
if ( (negativesByGroup[queryRow["AdGroupId"]][i][1] == "exact" &&
queryRow["Query"] == negativesByGroup[queryRow["AdGroupId"]][i][0]) ||
(negativesByGroup[queryRow["AdGroupId"]][i][1] != "exact" &&
(" "+queryRow["Query"]+" ").indexOf(" "+negativesByGroup[queryRow["AdGroupId"]][i][0]+" ") > -1 )){
searchIsExcluded = true;

// Checks if the query is excluded by a campaign level negative
if (!searchIsExcluded && negativesByCampaign[queryRow["CampaignId"]] !== undefined) {
for (var i=0; i<negativesByCampaign[queryRow["CampaignId"]].length; i++) {
if ( (negativesByCampaign[queryRow["CampaignId"]][i][1] == "exact" &&
queryRow["Query"] == negativesByCampaign[queryRow["CampaignId"]][i][0]) ||
(negativesByCampaign[queryRow["CampaignId"]][i][1]!= "exact" &&
(" "+queryRow["Query"]+" ").indexOf(" "+negativesByCampaign[queryRow["CampaignId"]][i][0]+" ") > -1 )){
searchIsExcluded = true;

if (searchIsExcluded) {continue;}

var currentWords = queryRow["Query"].split(" ");

if (campaignNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]] == undefined) {
campaignNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]] = [];
adGroupNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]] = {};

for (var n=minNGramLength; n<maxNGramLength+1; n++) {
campaignNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][n] = {};

if (adGroupNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][queryRow["AdGroupName"]] == undefined) {
adGroupNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][queryRow["AdGroupName"]] = [];
for (var n=minNGramLength; n<maxNGramLength+1; n++) {
adGroupNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][queryRow["AdGroupName"]][n] = {};

var stats = [];
for (var i=0; i<statColumns.length; i++) {
stats[i] = parseFloat(queryRow[statColumns[i]].replace(/,/g, ""));

var wordLength = currentWords.length;
if (wordLength > 6) {
wordLength = "7+";
if (numberOfWords[wordLength] == undefined) {
numberOfWords[wordLength] = [];
for (var i=0; i<statColumns.length; i++) {
if (numberOfWords[wordLength][statColumns[i]] > 0) {
numberOfWords[wordLength][statColumns[i]] += stats[i];
} else {
numberOfWords[wordLength][statColumns[i]] = stats[i];

// Splits the query into n-grams and records the stats for each
for (var n=minNGramLength; n<maxNGramLength+1; n++) {
if (n > currentWords.length) {

var doneNGrams = [];

for (var w=0; w < currentWords.length - n + 1; w++) {
var currentNGram = '="' + currentWords.slice(w,w+n).join(" ") + '"';

if (doneNGrams.indexOf(currentNGram) < 0) {

if (campaignNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][n][currentNGram] == undefined) {
campaignNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][n][currentNGram] = {};
campaignNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][n][currentNGram]["Query Count"] = 0;
if (adGroupNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][queryRow["AdGroupName"]][n][currentNGram] == undefined) {
adGroupNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][queryRow["AdGroupName"]][n][currentNGram] = {};
adGroupNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][queryRow["AdGroupName"]][n][currentNGram]["Query Count"] = 0;
if (totalNGrams[n][currentNGram] == undefined) {
totalNGrams[n][currentNGram] = {};
totalNGrams[n][currentNGram]["Query Count"] = 0;

campaignNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][n][currentNGram]["Query Count"]++;
adGroupNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][queryRow["AdGroupName"]][n][currentNGram]["Query Count"]++;
totalNGrams[n][currentNGram]["Query Count"]++;

for (var i=0; i<statColumns.length; i++) {
if (campaignNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][n][currentNGram][statColumns[i]] > 0) {
campaignNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][n][currentNGram][statColumns[i]] += stats[i];
} else {
campaignNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][n][currentNGram][statColumns[i]] = stats[i];

if (adGroupNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][queryRow["AdGroupName"]][n][currentNGram][statColumns[i]] > 0) {
adGroupNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][queryRow["AdGroupName"]][n][currentNGram][statColumns[i]] += stats[i];
} else {
adGroupNGrams[queryRow["CampaignName"]][queryRow["AdGroupName"]][n][currentNGram][statColumns[i]] = stats[i];

if (totalNGrams[n][currentNGram][statColumns[i]] > 0) {
totalNGrams[n][currentNGram][statColumns[i]] += stats[i];
} else {
totalNGrams[n][currentNGram][statColumns[i]] = stats[i];


Logger.log("Finished analysing queries.");

// Output the data into the spreadsheet

var wordLengthOutput = [];
var wordLengthFormat = [];
var outputs = [];
var formats = [];

for (var n=minNGramLength; n<maxNGramLength+1; n++) {
outputs[n] = {};
outputs[n]['campaign'] = [];
outputs[n]['adgroup'] = [];
outputs[n]['total'] = [];
formats[n] = {};
formats[n]['campaign'] = [];
formats[n]['adgroup'] = [];
formats[n]['total'] = [];

// Create headers
var calcStatNames = [];
for (var s=0; s<calculatedStats.length; s++) {
var statNames = statColumns.concat(calcStatNames);
for (var n=minNGramLength; n<maxNGramLength+1; n++) {
outputs[n]['campaign'].push(["Campaign","Phrase","Query Count"].concat(statNames));
outputs[n]['adgroup'].push(["Campaign","Ad Group","Phrase","Query Count"].concat(statNames));
outputs[n]['total'].push(["Phrase","Query Count"].concat(statNames));
wordLengthOutput.push(["Word count"].concat(statNames));

// Organise the ad group level stats into an array for output
for (var n=minNGramLength; n<maxNGramLength+1; n++) {
for (var campaign in adGroupNGrams) {
for (var adGroup in adGroupNGrams[campaign]) {
for (var nGram in adGroupNGrams[campaign][adGroup][n]) {

// skips nGrams under the thresholds
if (adGroupNGrams[campaign][adGroup][n][nGram]["Query Count"] < queryCountThreshold) {continue;}
if (adGroupNGrams[campaign][adGroup][n][nGram]["Impressions"] < impressionThreshold) {continue;}
if (adGroupNGrams[campaign][adGroup][n][nGram]["Clicks"] < clickThreshold) {continue;}
if (adGroupNGrams[campaign][adGroup][n][nGram]["Cost"] < costThreshold) {continue;}
if (adGroupNGrams[campaign][adGroup][n][nGram]["ConvertedClicks"] < conversionThreshold) {continue;}

var printline = [campaign, adGroup, nGram, adGroupNGrams[campaign][adGroup][n][nGram]["Query Count"]];

for (var s=0; s<statColumns.length; s++) {

for (var s=0; s<calculatedStats.length; s++) {
var multiplier = calculatedStats[s][1];
var divisor = calculatedStats[s][2];
if (adGroupNGrams[campaign][adGroup][n][nGram][divisor] > 0) {
printline.push(adGroupNGrams[campaign][adGroup][n][nGram][multiplier] / adGroupNGrams[campaign][adGroup][n][nGram][divisor]);
} else {

// Organise the campaign level stats into an array for output
for (var n=minNGramLength; n<maxNGramLength+1; n++) {
for (var campaign in campaignNGrams) {
for (var nGram in campaignNGrams[campaign][n]) {

// skips nGrams under the thresholds
if (campaignNGrams[campaign][n][nGram]["Query Count"] < queryCountThreshold) {continue;}
if (campaignNGrams[campaign][n][nGram]["Impressions"] < impressionThreshold) {continue;}
if (campaignNGrams[campaign][n][nGram]["Clicks"] < clickThreshold) {continue;}
if (campaignNGrams[campaign][n][nGram]["Cost"] < costThreshold) {continue;}
if (campaignNGrams[campaign][n][nGram]["ConvertedClicks"] < conversionThreshold) {continue;}

var printline = [campaign, nGram, campaignNGrams[campaign][n][nGram]["Query Count"]];

for (var s=0; s<statColumns.length; s++) {

for (var s=0; s<calculatedStats.length; s++) {
var multiplier = calculatedStats[s][1];
var divisor = calculatedStats[s][2];
if (campaignNGrams[campaign][n][nGram][divisor] > 0) {
printline.push(campaignNGrams[campaign][n][nGram][multiplier] / campaignNGrams[campaign][n][nGram][divisor]);
} else {

// Organise the account level stats into an array for output
for (var n=minNGramLength; n<maxNGramLength+1; n++) {
for (var nGram in totalNGrams[n]) {

// skips n-grams under the thresholds
if (totalNGrams[n][nGram]["Query Count"] < queryCountThreshold) {continue;}
if (totalNGrams[n][nGram]["Impressions"] < impressionThreshold) {continue;}
if (totalNGrams[n][nGram]["Clicks"] < clickThreshold) {continue;}
if (totalNGrams[n][nGram]["Cost"] < costThreshold) {continue;}
if (totalNGrams[n][nGram]["ConvertedClicks"] < conversionThreshold) {continue;}

var printline = [nGram, totalNGrams[n][nGram]["Query Count"]];

for (var s=0; s<statColumns.length; s++) {

for (var s=0; s<calculatedStats.length; s++) {
var multiplier = calculatedStats[s][1];
var divisor = calculatedStats[s][2];
if (totalNGrams[n][nGram][divisor] > 0) {
printline.push(totalNGrams[n][nGram][multiplier] / totalNGrams[n][nGram][divisor]);
} else {

// Organise the word count analysis into an array for output
for (var i = 1; i<8; i++) {
if (i < 7) {
var wordLength = i;
} else {
var wordLength = "7+";

var printline = [wordLength];

if (numberOfWords[wordLength] == undefined) {
} else {
for (var s=0; s<statColumns.length; s++) {

for (var s=0; s<calculatedStats.length; s++) {
var multiplier = calculatedStats[s][1];
var divisor = calculatedStats[s][2];
if (numberOfWords[wordLength][divisor] > 0) {
printline.push(numberOfWords[wordLength][multiplier] / numberOfWords[wordLength][divisor]);
} else {

var filterText = "";
if (ignorePausedAdGroups) {
filterText = "Active ad groups";
} else {
filterText = "All ad groups";

if (ignorePausedCampaigns) {
filterText += " in active campaigns";
} else {
filterText += " in all campaigns";

if (campaignNameContains != "") {
filterText += " containing '" + campaignNameContains + "'";
if (campaignNameDoesNotContain != "") {
filterText += " and not containing '" + campaignNameDoesNotContain + "'";
} else if (campaignNameDoesNotContain != "") {
filterText += " not containing '" + campaignNameDoesNotContain + "'";

// Find or create the required sheets
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(spreadsheetUrl);
var campaignNGramName = [];
var adGroupNGramName = [];
var totalNGramName = [];
var campaignNGramSheet = [];
var adGroupNGramSheet = [];
var totalNGramSheet = [];

for (var n=minNGramLength; n<maxNGramLength+1; n++) {
if (n==1) {
campaignNGramName[n] = "Campaign Word Analysis";
adGroupNGramName[n] = "Ad Group Word Analysis";
totalNGramName[n] = "Account Word Analysis";
} else {
campaignNGramName[n] = "Campaign " + n + "-Gram Analysis";
adGroupNGramName[n] = "Ad Group " + n + "-Gram Analysis";
totalNGramName[n] = "Account " + n + "-Gram Analysis";

campaignNGramSheet[n] = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(campaignNGramName[n]);
if (campaignNGramSheet[n] == null) {
campaignNGramSheet[n] = spreadsheet.insertSheet(campaignNGramName[n]);

adGroupNGramSheet[n] = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(adGroupNGramName[n]);
if (adGroupNGramSheet[n] == null) {
adGroupNGramSheet[n] = spreadsheet.insertSheet(adGroupNGramName[n]);

totalNGramSheet[n] = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(totalNGramName[n]);
if (totalNGramSheet[n] == null) {
totalNGramSheet[n] = spreadsheet.insertSheet(totalNGramName[n]);

var wordCountSheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName("Word Count Analysis");
if (wordCountSheet == null) {
wordCountSheet = spreadsheet.insertSheet("Word Count Analysis");

// Write the output arrays to the spreadsheet
for (var n=minNGramLength; n<maxNGramLength+1; n++) {
var nGramName = n + "-Grams";
if (n == 1) {
nGramName = "Words";

writeOutput(outputs[n]['campaign'], formats[n]['campaign'], campaignNGramSheet[n], nGramName, "Campaign", filterText, clearSpreadsheet);
writeOutput(outputs[n]['adgroup'], formats[n]['adgroup'], adGroupNGramSheet[n], nGramName, "Ad Group", filterText, clearSpreadsheet);
writeOutput(outputs[n]['total'], formats[n]['total'], totalNGramSheet[n], nGramName, "Account", filterText, clearSpreadsheet);

writeOutput(wordLengthOutput, wordLengthFormat, wordCountSheet, "Word Count", "Account", filterText, clearSpreadsheet);

Logger.log("Finished writing to spreadsheet.");
} // end main function

function writeOutput(outputArray, formatArray, sheet, nGramName, levelName, filterText, clearSpreadsheet) {
for (var i=0;i<5;i++) {
try {
if (clearSpreadsheet) {

if (nGramName == "Word Count") {
sheet.getRange("R1C1").setValue("Analysis of Search Query Performance by Word Count");
} else {
sheet.getRange("R1C1").setValue("Analysis of " + nGramName + " in Search Query Report, By " + levelName);

sheet.getRange("R" + (sheet.getLastRow() + 2) + "C1").setValue(filterText);

var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();

if (formatArray.length == 0) {
sheet.getRange("R" + (lastRow + 1) + "C1").setValue("No " + nGramName.toLowerCase() + " found within the thresholds.");
} else {
sheet.getRange("R" + (lastRow + 1) + "C1:R" + (lastRow+outputArray.length) + "C" + outputArray[0].length).setValues(outputArray);
sheet.getRange("R" + (lastRow + 2) + "C1:R" + (lastRow+outputArray.length) + "C" + formatArray[0].length).setNumberFormats(formatArray);

var sortByColumns = [];
if (outputArray[0][0] == "Campaign" || outputArray[0][0] == "Word count") {
sortByColumns.push({column: 1, ascending: true});
if (outputArray[0][1] == "Ad Group") {
sortByColumns.push({column: 2, ascending: true});
sortByColumns.push({column: outputArray[0].indexOf("Cost") + 1, ascending: false});
sortByColumns.push({column: outputArray[0].indexOf("Impressions") + 1, ascending: false});
sheet.getRange("R" + (lastRow + 2) + "C1:R" + (lastRow+outputArray.length) + "C" + outputArray[0].length).sort(sortByColumns);


} catch (e) {
if (e == "Exception: This action would increase the number of cells in the worksheet above the limit of 2000000 cells.") {
Logger.log("Could not output " + levelName + " level " + nGramName.toLowerCase() + ": '" + e + "'");
try {
sheet.getRange("R" + (sheet.getLastRow() + 2) + "C1").setValue("Not enough space to write the data - try again in an empty spreadsheet");
} catch (e2) {
Logger.log("Error writing 'not enough space' message: " + e2);

if (i == 4) {
Logger.log("Could not output " + levelName + " level " + nGramName.toLowerCase() + ": '" + e + "'");

Source of the script:

2.- open adwords –> bulk operations –> scripts –> +SCRIPT

find negatives


3.- paste the script there, and edit main variables:

var startDate = "2016-01-01";
var endDate = "2016-03-15";
// The start and end date of the date range for your search query data
// Format is yyyy-mm-dd

var currencySymbol = "€";
// The currency symbol used for formatting. For example "£", "$" or "€".<span id="mce_marker" data-mce-type="bookmark">?</span>
var minNGramLength = 1;
var maxNGramLength = 2;
// The word length of phrases to be checked.
// For example if minNGramLength is 1 and maxNGramLength is 3,
// phrases made of 1, 2 and 3 words will be checked.
// Change both min and max to 1 to just look at single words.

4.- Create a spreadsheet in your google account, copy the link of this spreadsheet and edit this line of code:

  var spreadsheetUrl = "";
// The URL of the Google Doc the results will be put into.

5.- run the script. It may take from 5 to 20 minutes depending on the size of your adwords account and dates time frame you selected.

6.- go to bathroom

wait for keywords analysis script execution


Analyse keyword research

7.- when script finished execution, open your spread sheet

8.- open «Account Word Analysis» Tab

9.- add a new column in left side

search for negative keywords

10.- sort by «Conv. value/cost» if you had setup correclty your conversions. If not yet, sort by CTR. Start with «Conv. value/cost» = 0 , or with low CTR. In the previous screenshot It was sorted by CTR (a second round after sorting by «Conv. value/cost»).

11.- use the new created column to Flag when you find negative keywords . I used 1 for no-dubt-negatives , and 2 for non-performing-keywords (keywords that you could add as negative, but could be revisited in the future for new campaigns)

12.- Flag keyword wisely. Think «is this word relevant to my target market?» . If you are in doubt, open Adwords –> campaigns –> keywords Search terms –> Filter Serach term contains _______
see the full visitor search query, understand why this keyword have poor performance, and decide if you want to exclude all this search queries.

adwords keywords search term report

NOTE: Sometimes, one word makes no sense, and the keyword you should exclude is a 2 keyword phrase. If it is the case, feel free to overwrite the keyword in the spreadsheet with the 2 word phrase. You can also opt for repeating the same process I explained, but this time with the «Account 2-Gram Analysis» sheet.

13.- sort by the first column and copy all your «1» keywords

Add Found Negative Keywords to your Account

14.- open adwords –> shared library –> Campaign negative keywords –> +LIST

15.- paste all your «1» found negative keywords, and save

16.- click on the list you just have created, scroll to the botom, and click «Apply to campaigns»

negative keywords

17.- scroll campaigns list to the bottom, and if not all campaigns are shown, press «load next»

adwords campaigns

18.- then, press the double arrow and add all campaigns.

NOTE: this article explains how to add negatives that are negatives for your target market, for all your account campaigns.

all negative keyword

19.- and press «save»


thats all


Good Related Searches You can do:

common negative keywords


75 Negative Keywords That Every AdWords Campaign Should Include ……/75-negativekeywords-that-every-a…

These Essential Negative Keyword Lists Will Save You Money In Adwords If you are using AdWords to promote a small to medium business, then every penny …

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Negative Keyword Master List for PPC Advertising – @ReturnOnNow…/negativekeyword-master-list-ppc-advertisin…

11 jun. 2014 – Negative keywords are one way to do this, so let’s look at how to use them, and what the most common negative keywords are that you might …

Big Daddy List of 200+ Negative Keywords for AdWords & AdCenter …

28 ene. 2013 – At last! A huge list of negative keywords you can cut & paste directly into AdWords / AdCenter (includes list of cities & states!) #SnowballingROI …

Related Information you Should Also Read:

Negative Keyword Match Types

27 abr. 2010 – Make sure you are effectively filtering your traffic – get a basic understanding of Negative Keyword match types before you add negatives into …

Exclude keywords across campaigns with lists

When you have a set of keywords that give you unwanted impressions or clicks across multiple campaigns, you can create a central list of these negative …

Stop Using Broad Match on Google Adwords – Daniel Silver

22 oct. 2011 – If you are still using broad match for search engine marketing on Google, you are wasting your money. You can greatly improve your ROI by ..

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